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VELSIPITY insurance coverage is expanding! To learn more, ask your Pfizer representative.Access & SupportAccess & SupportAccess & SupportVelsipityForMe offers support and savings to help eligible patients get started on their medicationVelsipityForMe offers support and savings to 
help eligible patients get started on their medication

Dedicated Care Coordinators

Baseline Assessment Support

The Dedicated Care Coordinator will be a consistent, primary point of contact

Dedicated Care Coordinators will support timely treatment initiation by:

Welcoming icon Welcoming patients into the program within 1 day of enrollment*
Explaining icon Explaining insurance coverage and identifying potential financial assistance options
Scheduling icon Scheduling baseline assessments for eligible, commercially insured patients
Communicating icon Communicatingpatient status and updates to both providers and patients

Welcoming patients into the program within 1 day of enrollment*

Explaining insurance coverage and identifying potential financial assistance options

Scheduling baseline assessments for eligible, commercially insured patients

Communicating patient status and updates to both providers and patients

Patients typically will be welcomed within 1 business day of enrollment or the following Monday if enrollment takes place on a Friday. Response times may vary per individual case.Eligibility required. Commercially insured patients only. Baseline assessment services are not available for patients enrolled in a state or federally funded health insurance program, or for patients who reside in MI, MN, or RI.
Flexible baseline assessment support is available for your eligible, commercially insured patients
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At-home assessment*
VelsipityForMe can arrange for a licensed
clinician to visit your patient's home to perform the following, based on testing needs 
In-office assessment
For patients whose assessments are completed at a provider's office
Blood work √ Complete blood count with differential 
√ Liver Functions Tests 
√ Varicella-zoster virus serology, if required 
√ Reimbursement for qualified OOP expenses 
ECG √ Baseline ECG—interpreted by a cardiologist
  • If only requesting ECG, a device can be shipped to patient's home with step-by-step instructions
√ Overread by a cardiologist is available for ECGs that were conducted in office§
√ Reimbursement for qualified OOP expenses‡ 
Scroll left to view table
At-home assessment*
VelsipityForMe can arrange for a licensed
clinician to visit your patient's home to perform the following, based on testing needs 
In-office assessment

For patients whose assessments are completed at a provider's office
Ophthalmic assessment √ Ophthalmic scan will not require dilation or puff of air. Interpreted by ophthalmologist  Support scheduling near-term appointments at a provider's office*
 Reimbursement for qualified OOP expenses
Skin examination    Support scheduling near-term appointments at a provider's office*
√ Reimbursement for qualified OOP expenses‡ 
Baseline assessment coordination services are not available for patients enrolled in a state or federally funded health insurance program, or patients who reside in MI, MN, or RI.Virtual assistance is available if needed.Eligible patients may be reimbursed up to $2,500 for qualified out-of-pocket expenses related to baseline assessments. Support may be available for patients after assessments have been completed at a provider’s office. Eligibility required. Commercially insured patients only. The baseline assessments medical benefit offer is subject to a maximum one-time benefit of $2,500 for qualified out-of-pocket expenses and includes initial blood tests, ECG screening, eye exam, and baseline skin examination where the full cost is not covered by patient’s insurance. Patients enrolled in a state or federally funded prescription health insurance program or who are residents of MN or RI are not eligible for the medical benefit. Available only to patients who have been diagnosed with an FDA-approved indication for VELSIPITY. No membership fees. This is not health insurance. Terms and Conditions apply.Eligibility required. Not available for patients enrolled in a state or federally funded health insurance program, or patients who reside in MA, MI, MN, or RI. The VELSIPITY ECG Interpretation Program is only available to patients if an ECG has been previously conducted within 6 months of the request for service. Terms and Conditions apply.ECG=electrocardiogram; OOP=out-of-pocket.

Additional offerings for your patients

Additional offerings for your patients

Support Getting Started

Reimbursement Support

Additional Support

VelsipityForMe is committed to helping eligible patients receive their VELSIPITY treatment Interim Care Rx Up to 2 years of VELSIPITY at no cost shipped through Interim Care Rx for eligible, commercially insured patients enrolled in VelsipityForMe who experience a delay or denial of coverage during the prior authorization or appeals process. See Terms and Conditions.


Up to 2 years of VELSIPITY at no cost shipped through Interim Care Rx for eligible, commercially insured patients enrolled in VelsipityForMe who experience a delay or denial of coverage during the prior authorization or appeals process. See Terms and Conditions.

The free product for this program is only for certain commercially insured patients. See Terms and Conditions. Not available to residents in the states of MA, MI, MN, and RI.

Voucher Rx

A free, one-time, 30-day trial for new patients to get started. See Terms and Conditions.

A free, one-time, 30-day trial for new patients to get started. See Terms and Conditions.

Copay Savings Card

Eligible, commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0, with a maximum benefit of $4,000 to $16,000 per calendar year. See Terms and Conditions.

Enroll Your Patient

Eligibility required. Commercially insured patients only. The maximum prescription benefit offer per patient is $4,000 to $16,000 per calendar year. Patients enrolled in a state or federally funded prescription health insurance program are not eligible. Available only to patients who have been diagnosed with an FDA-approved indication for VELSIPITY. No membership fees. This is not health insurance.

Assistance With Benefits Investigation 
  • Investigate and assess your patient’s insurance benefits and coverage determinations
  • Communicate the Summary of Benefits to patients and caregivers
Prior Authorization Assistance
  • Research your patient’s health plan for prior authorization (PA) requirements and forms
Appeals Assistance
  • Provide information regarding the necessary forms, phone numbers, and contact information for patients who would like to appeal a PA denial
Government-Funded Insurance

For those patients who need help with their medication cost-sharing requirements, VelsipityForMe can refer patients who appear to be eligible for Medicare Extra Help.

For those patients who need help with their medication cost-sharing requirements, VelsipityForMe can refer patients who appear to be eligible for Medicare Extra Help.

No Insurance or Underinsured

For those patients who need financial assistance, VelsipityForMe can refer your patient to Medicaid if your patient appears to be eligible. If turned down, VelsipityForMe can evaluate your patient for the Pfizer Patient Assistance Program.

Pfizer Patient Assistance Program*—Eligible patients may receive VELSIPITY at no charge. See Terms and Conditions.

*The Pfizer Patient Assistance Program is a joint program of Pfizer Inc. and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™. Free medicines from Pfizer are provided through the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation. The Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation is a separate legal entity from Pfizer Inc. with distinct legal restrictions.

Access & Support
Download and complete the
enrollment form to connect your
patients with support.
Questions? Call 1-800-350-3080 (Monday-Friday, 8 AM-8 PM ET).
Download Form Loading

To report an adverse event, please call 1-800-438-1985

Pfizer for Professionals 1-800-505-4426

This site is intended only for U.S. healthcare professionals. The products discussed in this site may have different product labeling in different countries. The information provided is for educational purposes only.

© 2025 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.

IndicationVELSIPITY® (etrasimod) is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC) in adults.
Important Safety Information Contraindications
  • Patients in the last 6 months who experienced myocardial infarction, unstable angina, stroke, transient ischemic attack, decompensated heart failure requiring hospitalization, or Class III or IV heart failure
  • Patients with a history or presence of Mobitz type II second-degree or third-degree AV block, sick sinus syndrome, or sino-atrial block, unless the patient has a functioning pacemaker

VELSIPITY may increase the susceptibility to infections. Life-threatening and rare fatal infections have been reported in association with other sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulators. Before starting VELSIPITY, obtain a recent (i.e., within 6 months) CBC, including lymphocyte count. Delay initiation of VELSIPITY in patients with an active infection until the infection is resolved. Consider interruption of treatment with VELSIPITY if a patient develops a serious infection. Continue monitoring for infections up to 5 weeks after discontinuing VELSIPITY.

  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is an opportunistic viral infection of the brain that typically occurs in patients who are immunocompromised, and usually leads to death or severe disability. PML has been reported in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients treated with S1P receptor modulators and has been associated with risk factors and duration of use. Longer treatment duration (≥18 months) increases the risk of PML. VELSIPITY is not indicated in MS. If PML is suspected, suspend VELSIPITY and discontinue if PML is confirmed by appropriate diagnostic evaluation. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) has been reported in patients with MS treated with S1P receptor modulators who developed PML and discontinued treatment. Clinical decline may be rapid, can lead to serious neurological complications or death, and is often associated with characteristic MRI changes. Onset was generally within a few months after S1P receptor modulator discontinuation. Monitoring for IRIS should be undertaken.
  • Herpes simplex encephalitis, varicella zoster meningitis, and localized herpes viral infections have been reported with S1P receptor modulators. In UC-1, herpes zoster was reported in 0.7% of subjects treated with VELSIPITY and in none of the subjects who received placebo. Patients without a healthcare professional-confirmed history of varicella (chickenpox), or without documentation of a full course of vaccination against varicella zoster virus (VZV), should be tested for antibodies to VZV before initiating VELSIPITY. A full course of VZV vaccination for antibody-negative patients is recommended prior to commencing treatment with VELSIPITY.
  • Cases of fatal cryptococcal meningitis (CM) and disseminated cryptococcal infections have been reported with S1P receptor modulators. VELSIPITY treatment should be suspended until a cryptococcal infection has been excluded. If CM is diagnosed, appropriate treatment should be initiated.
  • VELSIPITY has not been studied in combination with anti-neoplastic, immune-modulating, or non-corticosteroid immunosuppressive therapies. Avoid concomitant administration of these therapies with VELSIPITY. 
  • Update immunizations according to current guidelines prior to VELSIPITY treatment. Avoid the use of live attenuated vaccines during and for 5 weeks after treatment with VELSIPITY. If live attenuated vaccine immunizations are required, administer at least 4 weeks prior to initiation of VELSIPITY.
Bradyarrhythmia and Atrioventricular (AV) Conduction Delays 
Initiation of VELSIPITY may result in a transient decrease in heart rate and AV conduction delays. Before starting VELSIPITY, obtain an ECG to assess for preexisting cardiac conduction abnormalities. Seek advice of a cardiologist for patients with: significant QT prolongation; arrhythmia requiring treatment with Class Ia or Class III anti-arrhythmic drugs or QT prolonging drugs; unstable ischemic heart disease, Class I or Class II heart failure, history of cardiac arrest, cerebrovascular disease, or uncontrolled hypertension; resting HR<50bpm; history of symptomatic bradycardia, recurrent cardiogenic syncope, or severe untreated sleep apnea; history of Mobitz type I second-degree AV block in the absence of a functioning pacemaker.

Liver Injury 
Elevations of aminotransferases may occur in patients receiving VELSIPITY. Obtain transaminase and bilirubin levels, if not recently available (i.e., within the last 6 months), before initiation of VELSIPITY or in patients who develop symptoms suggestive of hepatic dysfunction. Discontinue VELSIPITY if significant liver injury is confirmed. Use of VELSIPITY in patients with severe hepatic impairment is not recommended.

Macular Edema 
S1P receptor modulators have been associated with an increased risk of macular edema. Obtain baseline evaluation of the fundus, including the macula near the start of VELSIPITY treatment. Periodically assess the fundus, including the macula, during treatment or if there is a change in vision. Consider discontinuing VELSIPITY if macular edema develops. 

Increased Blood Pressure 
VELSIPITY patients in clinical trials had average increases of 1 to 4 mm Hg systolic and 1 to 2 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure (BP). Increases were first detected after 2 weeks of treatment and remained within the specified average range of BP increases throughout treatment. Monitor BP during treatment with VELSIPITY and manage appropriately.

Fetal Risk 
Based on animal studies, VELSIPITY may cause fetal harm. Advise pregnant females and females of reproductive potential of the potential risk to a fetus and to use effective contraception to avoid pregnancy during and for one week after stopping VELSIPITY. Pregnant females exposed to VELSIPITY are encouraged to contact the pregnancy registry by calling 1-800-616-3791.

Cutaneous Malignancies 
Risk of cutaneous malignancies is increased in patients treated with S1P receptor modulators in clinical trials and cutaneous malignancies have been reported in the postmarketing setting. Skin examinations are recommended prior to or shortly after the start of treatment and periodically thereafter for all patients, particularly those with risk factors for skin cancer. Monitor for suspicious skin lesions. Limit UV exposure including phototherapy.

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Rare cases of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) have been reported in patients receiving S1P receptor modulators. If a patient develops neurological or psychiatric symptoms/signs or any symptom/sign suggestive of an increase of intracranial pressure, or accelerated neurological deterioration, complete a physical and neurological examination promptly and consider an MRI. Symptoms of PRES are usually reversible but may evolve into ischemic stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. Delay in diagnosis and treatment may lead to permanent neurological sequelae. If PRES is suspected, discontinue treatment with VELSIPITY.

Respiratory Effects 
VELSIPITY may cause a decline in pulmonary function. Spirometric evaluation should be conducted during therapy if clinically indicated.

Unintended Additive Immune System Effects from Prior Treatment with Immunosuppressive or Immune-Modulating Drugs 
When switching to VELSIPITY from drugs with prolonged immune effects, consider the half-life and mode of action of these drugs to avoid unintended additive immunosuppressive effects.

Immune System Effects After Stopping VELSIPITY 
After stopping VELSIPITY, lymphocyte counts returned to the normal range in 90% of subjects within 4 to 5 weeks. Use of immunosuppressants within this period may lead to an additive effect on the immune system, and therefore monitor patients receiving concomitant immunosuppressants for infectious complications up to 5 weeks after the last dose of VELSIPITY.

Most Common Adverse Reactions 

Most common adverse reactions reported in ≥ 2% of subjects and at a higher rate than placebo included: headache, elevated liver tests, dizziness, arthralgia, nausea, hypertension, bradycardia, UTI, hypercholesterolemia, and herpes viral infection.

Please see full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide.

VELSIPITY is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC) in adults.